Letter from the Chair of the Board, Neysa Finnie
Jesus looked at them and said, “For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
When the Sisters of Service offered a generous gift to the Catholic Women’s League, it would have been hard to imagine the fruit that gift would bear.
Since the launching of the Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation in 2015, with the support of countless individuals and organizations, the Foundation has made its mark. The women who have completed the program have taken their newfound leadership skills and education based on Catholic social teachings to their workplaces, churches, communities, and homes. There is a great call to laity to be a voice – not just within the Catholic Church – but to all places where we live and work. Authentic Catholic voices and actions ensure care and compassion for the life and dignity of each person wherever we encounter others.
Thank you to our founding organizations, our founding directors Claire Heron, Velma Harasen, and Kim Scammell, past and present committed volunteer directors, campaign volunteers, fundraising and strategy consultants, Providence School of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality at Saint Paul University, and donors from religious congregations and orders, archdioceses and dioceses and many individuals for your collaboration and support as the Foundation enables influential Catholic voices.
We have two invitations to support our mission – a call for applications for our leadership program and a call for new directors to serve on our board. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for our leadership program, please share this information. If you or someone you know would like to be considered for the board, please reach out to the Foundation to explore this opportunity.
Our world needs your voice and action.
Neysa Finnie
Chair, Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation
In This Issue
2021 Leadership Program: Call for Participants
CWLF Board of Directors: Call for Nominations