We have prepared a list of simple ways we can celebrate Lent in 2023. Join us in our celebration and take the time to review our 2023 Lent Calendar and contemplate the peace following each day will give to you.
February 22 - Celebrate Ash Wednesday, go to mass & wear your ashes with pride
February 23 - Celebrate Almsgiving, make your own list of what you want to give
February 24 - The war in Ukraine started one year ago today; say a special prayer for peace, hope, & love
February 25 - What do you love so much that is a luxury? Give it up for Lent
February 26 - Almsgiving & acts of charity
February 27 - Donate to St. Vincent de Paul
February 28 - Have a mass for said for someone who has a special intention or needs prayer
March 1 - Send a card of encouragement to someone in need
March 2 - Share with someone a talent you have that another may want to learn
March 3 - Make designated car kits to anyone you encounter who is experiencing homelessness
March 4 - Sponsor a child
March 5 - Wouldn't this be a good day to fast?
March 6 - Eat & drink in moderation
March 7 - Walk instead of taking your car
March 8 - Turn your cell phone off for the day
March 9 - Volunteer your time
March 10 - Give up meat on Fridays
March 11 - Do not gossip
March 12 - Chat with God by speaking & listening
March 13 - Say the rosary
March 14 - Read a psalm a day & keep a journal of your thoughts
March 15 - Join the prayer group at church or start one
March 16 - Go to a daily mass
March 17 - Say a prayer to St. Patrick asking for his protection of our faith & all those who do not believe
March 18 - Pray for Nuns & honour their life journey of exemplary faith
March 19 - Give alms, making the needs of others our own
March 20 - Give up your phone for one day
March 21 - Volunteer
March 22 - Make a home cooked meal to give to a neighbour or friend.
March 23 - Clean out your cupboards & donate unused items to food banks
March 24 - Take someone who is housebound for a drive
March 25 - Give someone a hug, smile, or kiss
March 26 - Fast
March 27 - Give up Tim's for a week & give that sum to a homeless person
March 28 - Pass the closest parking spot & park further away leaving the spot available for another person
March 29 - Clean your closet. If you have not worn it, donate it
March 30 - Do not watch tv, read a book of prayer & reflect
March 31 - Instead of buying wine for the weekend, give up your desire & pass those funds to a Women's Shelter
April 1 - Reflect on what you have given to others that you can continue to do
April 2 - Keep praying
April 3 - Download a Rosary app so you can recite the Rosary while you drive
April 4 - Pray the Angelus at 12:00 pm
April 5 - Say the stations of the cross
April 6 - Pray the Examen at the end of your day
April 7 - Good Friday. Make yourself a promise to pray more during the year
April 8 - Say prayers of thanks to Jesus
April 9 - Celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord